Triennale Milano 2023

The Last Minutes Before Mars

» Imagine living on an exoplanet, looking back on Earth –
how would you describe your perfect ordinary day? «

This thought-provoking question about beauty in the ordinary sets the stage for an immersive experience of live performance and Virtual Reality 360° video, guided by a group of young people from Milan. While the video provides intimate insights into the cast’s daily lives, the ever-changing physical space takes the viewer on a unique spatial experience.

As the performance unfolds, it prompts contemplation of profound questions about existence, time, and the interconnectedness of our lives. This captivating piece invites us to delve into the essence of what makes life beautiful and meaningful, transcending the boundaries of space and time.

Triennale Milano 2023
Foto: Lorenza Daverio


We look longingly into the night sky at that small red dot and foolishly dream of beginning again, as if our daily struggles on Earth will be more easily resolved at -65° and with the help of high doses of cosmic radiation. Combining live performance and VR experience, The Last Minutes Before Mars invites us into the world of a group of young people to meet their family, their friends and spend time in the precious spaces of their lives. This sets the scene for your encounter with the other strangers in the room, in a collective experience exploring the fact that, no matter what happens to us, we live our different lives all on the same journey, toward the same destination; now, hundreds of thousands of years ago, and beyond, in a future too terrifying and lovely to imagine.

Source: Triennale Milano

Fondazione La Triennale di Milano
FOG Performing Arts Festival

Performance MAR/ APR 2023
31.03.2023, 16.00 h | 20.00 h
01.04.2023, 16.00 h | 20.00 h
02.04.2023, 16.00 h | 20.00 h
ZONA K Associazione Culturale
via Spalato, 11 20124 Milano
Concept, Director
Darren O’Donnell
Chiara Prodi
Co-Devising Team
Darren O’Donnell, Konstantin Bock, Alice Fleming, Tina Fance, Chiara Prodi, Sorcha Gibson, Thule Van Den Dam, Sara Guttadauro, Sara Ben Hamouda, Andrada Ciccotto, Fjoralba Qerimaj, Jerwin Mostiero, Morena Marra, Craig McCorquodale, Genesis De León, Elisa Fasiello, Mervin Kyle Fajardo, Fi Nicholson, Gianluca Benvenuti
Performed by
Sara Guttadauro, Sara Ben Hamouda, Andrada Ciccotto, Fjoralba Qerimaj, Jerwin Mostiero, Elisa Fasiello, Mervin Kyle Fajardo
Alice Fleming, Ryan Lewis, Virginia Antonipillai
Associate Producer
Craig McCorquodale
Music Composition
Isola Music
Environment (Set and Light Design)
Manuel Ahnemueller
Thanks to
Stephen O’Connell, Letizia Gozzini (ITAS Giulio Natta)

The Last Minutes Before Mars was originally co-commissioned and co-produced by Triennale Milano Teatro and ZONA K, in collaboration with ITAS Giulio Natta of Milan and with support of the Canada Council of the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council and the Embassy of Canada in Italy

Triennale Milano 2023
Foto: Lorenza Daverio
Triennale Milano 2023
Triennale Milano 2023
Triennale Milano 2023
Triennale Milano 2023
Triennale Milano 2023
Triennale Milano 2023
Triennale Milano 2023
Foto: Lorenza Daverio
Triennale Milano 2023
Triennale Milano 2023
Triennale Milano 2023
Imprint + DSGVO
© 07.2023 Manuel Ahnemüller